The kids and I took a little field trip to Kurihama Flower World. The kids were excited because they heard there was an awsome long rolly slide and I was excited to see the flowers after seeing so many beatiful pictures. The flowers were a bust.. instead of seeing feilds of gorgeous flowers, we saw this:
I guess we will need to come back in spring. There were many hydrangeas, which I did enjoy because they always remind me of the ones that were planted at my Grandfasther's home when I was a little girl. I was also p[retty disappointed because the herb foot bath was closed- after all of the walking we did, I only wanted to soak my feet in healing waters. At least the park was free... I would have been very upset if we had o pay admission.
The park was definitely the highlight! There were two huge rollie slides after climbing up and down ladders, bouncy bridges and rope bridges. We first encountered rollie slides at Showa Park when of vacation and love them! Instead of being a solid slide, there is just little rollers that roll you down, causing your speed to go very fast. It is painful to sit so we just squat and go down on our feet :)
You can't miss the huge Godzilla at the park either... I wonder how many kids can say they ate a picnic with the huge dinosaur?
The kids have just been working on our unit studies and playing educational games for school. Their new favourites are hangman for kids and animal games. We are knee deep in our study of caves and hope to visit some very soon.
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