Saturday, July 7, 2012


Last week we had the pleasure of seeing the new Disney movie, Brave. Here in Japan we don't have real TV channels that shows commercials so none of us had seen the trailers. I saw a little about it online but not much and just told my daughter it was a movie about the new Disney princess. I told her she was a tomboy princess who rode horses that had messy hair because that was all that I really knew about the movie.

I have to say that we LOVED the movie- even the boys! In the beginning of the movie, I thought it would be like all of the other movies about the girl needing her prince charming, I was pleasantly surprised when I realized it was about NOT needing a prince. I loved that the relationship that was focused on was that of child and parent, a relationship that is often ignored or not focused on as important. This is a welcome change for the "Disney Princess" and I hope future princesses follow suit :)

It is full swing summer at our home now. Zombie is getting ready to go back to the States for BMX camp for a week. He is super excited! Squidward and Princess are both going to be going for a week of summer camp at a local Japanese International school. They are excited to ride the little school buis and get traditional bento box for lunch. After that, they have a week of VBS and then Grandparents come for a visit! We have kept up with our unit studies of caves and Buddhism. The Princess is still learning to read and all of the kids are enrolled in the summer reading program at the library. All three kids are looking forward to reading books by homeschoolers. We are enjoying the summer and spend lots of time at the pool enjoying the sunshine. After three years in Canada, it is lovely to be somewhere with heat and sunshine :)

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