I am SO excited! The past couple of weeks we received so much homeschooling resources and curriculum in the mail. The kids cannot wait to begin- the only problem is deciding what to begin with!
For the summer we decided to do unit studies. We love unit studies and I am am actually a little sad that we got far away from them this past school year. I chose some of the topics but there are two that the kids picked: Buddhism and Caves. I feel so fortunate to live somewhere to let my kids chose these topics and get to learn about them with hands on experience. I ordered many books and documentaries about both subjects but the bulk of the learning will be when we get to visit different Buddhist temples and explore local caves!
We also ordered NEOE Complete Science Kits. They look amazing and i cannot believe how much we got in them Brandon got the physics and chemistry kit. Squidwad and the Princess are sharing biology, physics and chemistry. Tonnes of research book were included in each kit and everything needed to do many experiments! I am happy to have found these because we neglected science this year, instead focusing a bulk of our learning on language arts for the little ones, history for Zombie Boy and Match for everyone.We are actually beginning them today- I cannot wait to post a review of each kit!
It is also nice to let the kids enjoy playing learning games to continue to help with their spelling. We will still make spelling flashcards but they can use the words while having fun, helping them retain the spelling.
This will be our first year without the comfort of an umbrella school. It is a little intimidating but I feel it is the right time in our homeschool journey. All summer long I will be preparing for our next schoolyear and we might just continue with unit studies:)
I LOVED NOEO for science. We used it for chemistry and had a blast with it!! Enjoy your unit-study-filled summer!!