Thursday, May 12, 2011

Is it spring yet?

The past couple of days have been so busy. We finally saw the elusive sun and I had a lot of work to do outside. Maintaining 10 acres and a plethora of animals is no easy task, especially when it rains 9 months out of the year! This week during our two days of sunshine I was hoping to have the chance to pull the horses out and do some lunging work but instead the back yard got mowed, the front garden got pruned and weeded and I had to move the baby chickies outside because they have gotten stinkier and noisier as they have gotten bigger!

Thankfully I have my coach coming out to the house tomorrow so I will actually have an incentive to not get sidetracked from pulling the horses. Someone is also coming to take a look at Willow. I really hope it works out- she will be one lonely pony when we have to say goodbye to Roman later this month. She cannot go in with Gryphon and would get so lonely in a paddock all by herself. I am sure the kids will be upset but it is best for the little girl.

Today the rain came back so I had a day to finish up the laundry and pick up the house. (Oh, the glamorous life of a housewife) I also found out that I had to spend the kids' learning incentives by the end of the month so I spent a better portion of my day picking out some different curricula and things I wanted to try out. I ended up ordering the Funnix Reading Program for Mia, the Handwriting without Tears curriculum for Aidan and Mia and also signed both Brandon and Aidan up for an eight week writing course through Time 4 Writing. We have enjoyed doing our thematic studies but after May I need a break. Planning out a month of activities and lessons pertaining to a subject is trickier than it sounds, especially when my goal was to teach all of our learning goals through these themes. As the sun comes out we try to spend a majority of our time outside having fun (Our lovely Pacific Northwest sun only shine for 3 months out of the year) so these types of things are nice to have on hand to do in the morning or evening so that we can have the rest of our day free.

The other day I wrote my kids' Annual Reviews for our homeschooling office and they have met all of the learning standards for the year. We are technically done with "school" this year but I only want to take a 1 month break in June for vacations. I never understood the whole summer break thing because all of the kids would forget everything and have to spend the next 1-2 months reviewing what they should have learned the previous year. I figure that it won;t happen if we don't take such a long break :)

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