Friday, May 6, 2011

Obligatory Introduction

Hello! Welcome to the Not So Desperate Housewife blog, a place where I ramble about anything on my mind. You will find the joys and sorrows of being a SAHM, Military wife, student, horse enthusiast and hobby farmer all mixed together. I had started a blog lst year featuring our vacation to Tokyo, Japan but did not keep it up so I just imported all of those posts for everyone to enjoy.

This is how you will usually find me, getting dirty while enjoying the company of a horse.
As Winston Churchill once said,
“There is something good about the outside of the horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
Although, I do tend to clean up nicely.

So about me:

I am the mom of three great kids ages Mia (5), Aidan (7) and Brandon (12). Right now I happen to be homeschooling and love it. We are stationed in Canada and I do not find our local schools quite up to par. I am also a wife to my awesome husband, Josh, although sometimes it feels as though I am married to the Military instead. He is a Chief in the Navy and we follow him whenever and wherever the Navy sees fit. We love the lifestyle and wouldn't trade it for anything.

I am an animal enthusiast and have a background in animal care, both from the Army and though civilian education. Right now we live on a mini-farm and I love it even though I now it won’t be forever. We have our dogs and cats, chickens two goats and horses. I love the day to day chores around the farm and I love that we are finally at a place in our lives where I can own horses rather than just lease them. I have three retired racehorses and a little mini whom I swear is mixed with devil (aren’t all ponies?!?!) We also foster for our local BCSPCA as well as private rescues. To date, my family has helped dogs, cats, doves, a pig, ferrets and horses get healthy enough to go onto their new homes. It is a personal passion of mine and nothing in the world makes me happier.

I know we will not always be able to live on a farm but while we are we will enjoy it!

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