I have had many mums ask me what they should do to home school a preschooler. Many times what they are already doing is homeschooling for a child that young- playing! I believe we, as a society, put too much emphasis on kids reaching specific goals rather than developing the base physical, educational and emotional foundations for those goals to be built upon. I always cringe when I hear a parent brag that their two year old can print their name, are starting cursive and they are working on reading because the parent drills them all of the time... I just want to shake them and scream "That may be great for your bragging rights, but your kids is really missing out on achieving skills meat for 2-5 year old children!!!" Of course, I don't do this but instead smile and quickly exit the conversation because reasoning is usually like talking to a brick wall.
A great homeschool preschool curriculum will focus on helping build those foundations needed to attain learning goals later on. Much of preschool is simply introducing ideas, skills and concepts. Many of these things are done simply by doing what we as adults think are everyday things. Singing songs, imaginative play, conversations about themselves and the world around them, play dough or finger painting, or even playground play all help build these important preschool foundations!
Some ideas to introduce to preschoolers include:
-Work appropriately in groups. This is the time to ensure that your child is introduced to other both in their age group and other age groups as well.
-Ask/answer verbal questions
-Introduce descriptive words- color, shape, size (describe toys, surroundings, an event)
-Learn to handle books appropriately
-Recite songs and rhymes (Mother Goose)
-Become aware of the written alphabet (I loved using alphabet magnets for this)
-Phonetic awareness (while reading or by playing homeschool preschool games)
-recognize patterns
-introduction to sorting by shape, type, color, size (can use small objects like buttons)
-Introduce numbers and counting objects 1-10
-Discuss and recognize weather
-Introduce characteristics of living things, including similarities and differences
-Compare textures of items (sugar, cotton, flour, paper, etc.)
-Sensory exploration using natural items (water table, sand box, play dough)
Social Studies
-Identify daily routine (getting ready/afternoon/evening/and nighttime routines)
-Discuss roles of family members and community works and their responsibilities
-Recognize own name (verbal and written)
-Show qualities of good citizenship (please/thank you, clean up after self, helps others)
Physical/Self Awareness
*Most of this is done by both verbal discussions as well as modeling behavior for your child
-Aware of the environment and what we can do to be "green"
-Medicine usage
-Hand washing
-Discuss appropriate and non-appropriate touching
-Personal safety (seat belts, fire, hot stove)
-Discuss emotions
-Encourage independent and self help skills (self dressing, hand washing, bed making)
-Practice good hygiene
-Healthy food vs. unhealthy food
*Many of the following is done through simple play such as play dough, finger painting, Lego building, and playing in a playground with climbing equipment
-Build hand eye coordination
-Visual tracking
-Pincer grasp
-Grasp and flexibility
-Build strength and stability of upper body
-Use textures (glitter, sand, sugar, felt, 3d objects)
-Explore mood and emotion with color
-Appropriate use and care of art materials
-create and use props in dramatic play
-listen, create and imitate sounds
-listen, create and imitate sounds and patterns
-Explore melody and rhythm by listening to instrumental music
-Sing songs with repetitive patterns
-Freely move (dance) to music
What are some things that you have done with your preschooler to help build a strong foundation for future learning?
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